It is Ideal to settle all your bills every week because as a owner you will be tracking many things.
If you are doing cash transactions you will get some discount/preference from vendors. Usually vendors prefer to get these kind of customers You can maintain all the bills in a separate folder. Definitely you will look for some information in the bills. So keep track of every thing.
For an instance if a worker came along with you to purchase meterial , Worker will demand commission from shop owner when you are not there. Eventually all these commisions will lead to an extra cost to owner
In some cases shopowners will have deals with workers to bring new customers.
I will not say every one is like this but there are people who will do like this.
You can avoid above by following ways:
Have a direct contact with shop owner.
Be aware of actual costs of an item.
Make an condition with shop owner to call your phone when workers goes to shop for any meterial.
Always bring meterial by yourself.
Be aware of actual costs of an item.
Make an condition with shop owner to call your phone when workers goes to shop for any meterial.
Always bring meterial by yourself.
Covered area will be applicable for 11’ ht. Extra height will be rated extra @ 3% per feet.
Boring and electric connection will be separate from the rates .
Main gate will be charged separate(Actual).
All material used will be ISI marked.
Lift charge will be paid 4% for each floor after 2nd floor slab.
RATE 1500/SQ.FT.
Advance :- 15%
After footing :- 10%
After plinth :- 10%
Before shuttering for slab :- 20%
Before brick work & plaster :- 15%
Before sanitary work :- 10%
Before electrical work :- 10%
Before painting work :- 5%
After completion :- 5%
Before column :- 15%
After column :- 15%
Before shuttering for slab :- 30%
Before brick work & plaster :- 15%
Before sanitary work :- 10%
Before electrical work :- 10%
Before painting work :- 5%
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