Hiring a Contractor

When planning to build your dream home it may be difficult to hire a good contractor. A successful house construction depends on good contractor. Hire a best contractor otherwise, it may end up the contract before completion of work or may result a poor construction. Before hiring a contractor, do some research about the contractor; know about his skills and experience. Before hiring a contractor you should ensure several attributes in your contractor.
Hiring a Contractor

  1. A building contractor should have record of building quality homes. First, evaluate the quality of contractors work by visiting the completed homes. Evaluate the projects which are completed recently as well as that were completed several years earlier. Running projects should also be evaluated. That can help you to know about the quality of work and material. While evaluating the earlier projects, ask about the quality of construction and homeowner’s experience with the contractor.
  2. Make sure about the contractors good behavior, quality work and construction work should be completed on scheduled time. Some times contractor use low quality material for construction and employ unskilled person for work. That may cause a poor construction and delay in completion of house.
  3. You should also conduct an interview of contractor. Ask him some key questions about subcontractor, labor rate, building material, scheduled completion time etc. Make sure that the contractor has built a home similar to yours. Contractor should also have references from material suppliers. 
  4. Contact at least three to four contractors and take quotation form them. Compare their price, work quality and completion time. If you are hiring a contractor who have lowest price for construction work, check his work quality. A contractor having lowest price may use low quality material, unskilled labor or may cause delay in work. 
  5. Hire a contractor whose office is near your construction site. Such contractor is easily available every time. He is also aware about the problems of labor, material quality etc. He can provide extra labor in emergency and in accidental case.  He can pay more attention to the work because he is available here most of the time. If the contractor is from the nearest area it is also easy to know about the skills, behavior and work quality of the contractor.
  6. Make sure you have signed a contract with the contractor: After collecting quotation from two or three contractor, evaluate their rate, estimated time, quality of work and their construction skills and then decide which one is better. Make sure that a written contract should be signed by contractor. Sign a detailed agreement of each work. Avoid verbal agreement, each and every condition should be specified in agreement.Enquire from the suppliers to verify contractor credit or market reputation. Verify that contractor have credit account setup with building material supplier. If he does not have it, there can be reason for that. May be that supplier have financial problem or it may be that he has been just started out.
  7. Detailed contract:  While making an agreement, some detailed specifications, work schedule and payment schedule should be written in it. Specifications of material, brand of material should also be specified in contract that may provide quality work. Before signing contract, understand all the terms and conditions of contract.

    To know more about terms and conditions of contract Through rate contract - terms and conditions
Never pay more as a down payment. Keep check on quality and quantity and pay according to the scheduled payment. Know that no one else is looking out for you, so double check your contractor of choice.

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