Showing posts with label House contractor in Lucknow and nainital. contractor near me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label House contractor in Lucknow and nainital. contractor near me. Show all posts

15 Sept 2019

Home Loan: कैसे कम करें होम लोन EMI का बोझ, ये टिप्स आएंगे आपके काम

नई दिल्ली, बिजनेस डेस्क। मौजूदा दौर में लोन लेकर घर खरीदना आम बात है। होम लोन न सिर्फ हमें अपने घर खरीदने के फैसले को टालने से रोकता है बल्कि यह हमें टैक्स बचाने में भी मदद करता है। कई मर्तबा होम लोन लेने के बाद इसके ईएमआई को चुकाना एक सिरदर्द होता है। लेकिन, इससे जल्दी छुटकारा कैसे मिले यह बड़ा सवाल है। होम लोन लेने वाले अपने होम लोन ईएमआई बोझ को कम करने के लिए कई ऑप्शनल ट्रिक का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं। नए लोन लेने वालों के पास विभिन्न बैंकों की तरफ से पेश की जाने वाली दरों की तुलना करने और अधिकतम फायदा लने के ऑप्शन हैं, लेकिन मौजूदा ग्राहकों के पास बहुत कम ऑप्शन हैं। जिन लोगों ने पहले से लोन लिया है वो अपने होम लोन को एक बैंक से दूसरे ऐसे बैंक में ट्रांसफर कर सकते हैं, जिससे ब्याज दरों में कमी हो सकती है। हालांकि होम लोन ट्रांसफर करना हर किसी के लिए आसान नहीं है। इस खबर में हम आपको होम लोन को जल्द खत्म करने के कुछ टिप्स बता रहे हैं...

होम लोन बैलेंस ट्रांसफर: होम लोन लेने वाले ज्यादातर लोग लोन की अवधि के बीच दूसरे कर्जदाता के पास जाना पसंद नहीं करते। कर्ज की अवधि के दौरान अगर कभी भी उपयुक्‍त कर्जदाता मिलता है, तो इस बात की सलाह दी जाती है कि होम लोन को ट्रांसफर किया जाए। इन बातों को ध्यान में रखकर आप होम लोन को जल्दी भर सकते हैं।

ईएमआई राशि बढ़ाएं: वेतन पाने वाले उधारकर्ताओं को साल में सैलरी में एक बार हाइक मिलता है। इसलिए अपनी ईएमआई राशि को धीरे-धीरे बढ़ाएं। अगर आप हर साल अपनी ईएमआई राशि बढ़ाते हैं तो लोन पीरियड में कमी आएगी, जिससे आपको कुल बकाया लोन राशि चुकाने में मदद मिलेगी।

वेतन की तारीख: कोशिश करें कि अपनी ईएमआई की तारीख अपनी सैलरी की तारीख के नजदीक रखें, इससे आप ईएमआई भुगतान को लेकर कभी नहीं चूकेंगे। ईएमआई और एसआईपी के पेमेंट के बाद बचे धन के साथ अपने खर्च की योजना बनाएं। चाहें तो यह भी सुनिश्चित कर लें कि बकाया भुगतान के लिए आपके होम लोन पर कोई अतिरिक्त शुल्क तो नहीं लगाया गया है।

TRIO vision Group


B-85 indira nagar, Bhoothnath Metro Station lucknow.

26 Jan 2019

MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENTSUBJECT: Quotation for the construction of Residence at Lucknow.

Dear Sir/Mam,
It in reference to our discussions regarding Construction services for your
proposed Residence we are submitting herewith the details of our services.
“The work” according to drawing and details, showing detailed
description of the work to be done under the direction of the Client and
approved by the Architect.
A) -STRUCTURE :     
                                    As per approved Drawings
Frame Structure,
R.C.C. Slab (slab thickness & steel as per structure drawing or as per
Super structure brickwork 9” or 4½” where required.
B) - CIVIL WORK: (Material)
Course sand -First Class,
Fine Sand if needed.
CEMENT - Ultra Tech, MP Birla, Sri,  J.P ( 53 Grade PPC).
BRICK- 1st Class, 
Reinforcement – Gallent, Kamdhenu, TMT BAR 500D or Equivalent to this.
Inside / outside plaster on walls (Maximum two sides/facades).
a) Drainage/down pipes of PVC (Kissan, supreme, finolex)
as required. Each toilet will have separate line of direct water
supply and from water tank. Provision of hot water shall be
b) CPVC (Kisan, supreme, finolex) pipes for water supply as specified.
c) Inspection chambers, manholes and gully traps etc. as per drawing.
d) CP fittings of CERA, CORSA economical .
e) One toilet shall have diverter and other shall have L-band wall mixer.
For a Bath room following fitting will be done:
f) W.C-1, Wash basin-1(without platform) + tap-1, Diverter or L Band,
towel rail From water tank to main line for floors- connections will be
a) Conduit PVC Pipe + Band of medium grade of ISI make Meena,
V.K.Gold or A.K.G.
b) Junction Box, Fan box - Iron, Deep box – C.I.
c) Wire of HAVELLS, RR KABLE, POLYCAB and Modular Switches
d) Inverter wiring
e) Separate lines for separate floors
F - FLOORING (Tiles):
2’x2’ single charge vitrified tile of make,
Floors ( Rs. 35/- to 45/- Per sqft.)
Wall tiles in toilets (height 7’-0”) (Base price Rs. 35/- to 45/- Per sqft).
Kitchen tiles: only 2’-0” high above counter.
Toilet seat fixtures and
range.(6000/-) Rs only
Staircase- Granite- Rs. 95-100/-kitchen Marble Rs. 80/- to 90/
Only outer door and windows will be of double patam.
Main Door of teak wood (only one door) and main Jali door  (only one door) of pine wood and all other
doors will be of ISI marked Flush Doors with Laminates. Window frame will be of Sakhu wood
with 4mm glass of ASI. Only one door with interlock  will be provided.
Chaukhat : KAPOOR/MALASYIAN SAKHU (without groove and
Door Frame & window frame: 3”x2.5” (single patam) &5”x2.5”
(double patam).
Door Chaukhat - Sakhu Wood (Kapoor)
Window Chaukhat - Sakhu Wood (Kapoor)
I) - PAINTING (Putty):
For interior: Asian tractor emulsion paints & JK wall putty-two coat, one coat primer.
For exterior: Apex Ultima of Asian paints. Color as per architect and client’s choice.
GRILL WORK on windows as per design specified by the architect.
Railing to be made in M S pipe in D section (1”x1.5”)/ Staircase in
stainless steel- grade 304, O.T.S jaal in M.S Main gate (Rs 15,000/-).
As per requirement like Sintex, Ganga etc. (only Two tank with
capacity of 500 L- white triple layer)
P.C.C. 1:4:8 (1 Part Cement: 4 Part Coarse sand: 8 brick blast 40 Mm)
Concrete Work 1:1.5:3(1 Part Cement: 1.5 Parts Coarse Sand: 3 Part Aggregate.
(slab, beam and column)
Masonry 9” thick -1:6 (1 Part Cement: 6 Part Coarse Sand
Masonry 4.5”thick- 1:6 (1Part Cement: 6 Part Coarse Sand
Plaster (12mm thick) 1:6 (1 Part Cement: 6 Part Sand(little part of fine sand for smooth surface.
Note: Existing floor plan drawings (ALL FLOORS), working drawings, floor plans, electrical drawings, plumbing drawings, structural drawings, flooring pattern plan,
false ceiling design will be provided for no extra cost.
Note: No site supervision charges shall be changed from the client.
The Total fee chargeable for the above mentioned services will be
@Rs.1450/- per sq.ft. of super built up area.
B-85 Indira nagar, near Bhootnath market lucknow.
Contact: 8318192212, 9058913568

16 Dec 2018



Couple's bedroom should be such that the ambience affects in strengthening the relationship created out of nuptial bonds. Newly or years of married couple doesn't matter, but what matter is their eternal ties and to maintain good relationship Vastu says to construct bedroom with proper consideration. Bedroom is a hub to unwind stress and carry out different activities of life, and for a couple choosing bedroom in appropriate direction is important for many reasons such as to prevent untimely death of spouse, bad health, miscarriage in women, better and early conception etc.

Any kind or size of mirror should be shunned in couple's bedroom especially in the front of bed and even at the side of bed.

Fresh flowers should be kept in couple's bedroom which symbolizes blooming of love and fragrance of flowers help keeping the relation afresh like always.

Do no install scary or nude pictures and images in couple's bedroom.

Avoid North-east for couple's bedroom because this place is called as Eshaan corner ideal for worship room and constructing bedroom can have undesirable effects on couple's married life such as untimely death of spouse, health diseases and miscarriage or problem in conceiving.

Couples bedroom can have light and bright colours on wall which help to create better understanding among partners.

Couples bedroom should ideally be located in North-west or South west portion of house.

North-west is ideal if couple is not elder in the family while South-west is most ideal if the couple is elder.

Avoid South-east corner for couple's bedroom as it can leads to frequent clashes and quarrels.

Couples must sleep with their head towards South and feet in North.

Do not keep exposed mirror in the couple's bedroom.

Television screen, computer screen and other exposed mirrors should be veiled when not in use.

If possible, avoid TV and computer in couple's bedroom because the electromagnetic rays and vibrations from electronic objects create stress and tension.

Suresh Pandey

Constructions Consultant

23 Sept 2018

Making buildings earthquake-safe

The extent of damage to buildings depends not only on the magnitude of the earthquake, but also on the type of construction practice followed.

As science stands now, predicting the precise location, time and magnitude of earthquakes is not possible. However, the regions that are more vulnerable to quakes are well known. Much like the subduction zone off Sumatra, the Himalayan belt, in particular, is a seismically active region. As recently witnessed in Nepal and parts of India, the 7.8 magnitude earthquake ended up killing thousands of people. The culprit was unsafe buildings. After all, earthquakes do not kill, unsafe buildings do.

The extent of damage to buildings depends not only on the magnitude of the earthquake, but also on the type of construction practice followed in a particular region or country. For example, an earthquake in Tokyo or Los Angeles may result in damage of only a few buildings because strict construction regulations are adopted. But a similar earthquake may be catastrophic in Mumbai or Delhi, in terms of buildings damaged and lives lost, because the building design and construction practices are not adequately regulated.

There is much we can do to protect our buildings and thus save lives. It is possible today to assess the vulnerability of any building to earthquake, and, wherever possible, to undertake retrofit measures to make it safe.

When an earthquake strikes, the ground shakes violently, depending on several factors like the magnitude, the depth of the focus and the nature of soil. In some rare cases involving sandy soils in the presence of ground water, the soil can suddenly behave like quicksandcausing buildings to sink or tilt and collapse. In such regions, buildings should be either supported on pile foundations resting on hard strata or should be constructed after suitable ground improvement measures are undertaken.

In hilly terrains (as in the Himalayan regions), landslides are likely to be triggered, bringing down buildings located on the unstable slopes. Slope stabilising measures can help to some extent to arrest the damage.

Even if the soil and foundations in a structure are safe, collapse of a building can occur if it does not have adequate strength to resist the horizontal forces that are generated during an earthquake. Also, there should be adequate ductility, which is the ability of the structure to deform without collapsing during the earthquake. For this, it is important to ensure that the connections at the various interfaces of building components remain intact during the shaking.

The seismic forces generated increase with the mass and the height of the building. Therefore, it is desirable to adopt light-weight materials and low-rise structures in highly earthquake-prone regions, unless they are properly designed, detailed and constructed, based on the prevailing standards.

Most of the construction in India are ‘non-engineered’ and built in masonry. Often, the connections between the roof and the walls, and between cross-walls, are weak, rendering such buildings vulnerable to collapse.

There are recommendations available in our national codes on providing seismic-resistant features in such buildings — such as providing small reinforced concrete bands in the walls at the plinth, lintel (above the windows and doors) and roof levels, and various other measures to ‘tie’ the components of the building together. These measures ensure that integrity is preserved during ground shaking. The concrete bands should be horizontally continuous throughout the walls to help in tying the components of the building together. It is also important to ensure that the materials used (such as brick and mortar) as well as construction practices, should be of good quality.

Retrofitting old buildings that do not have such concrete bands is also possible. Ferrocement bands and embedded metal strips that run across the walls (horizontally and vertically) can preserve the integrity of the buildings to a large extent. 

In the case of modern buildings, which are ‘framed’ (comprising a skeleton of columns and beams, typically made of reinforced concrete) or having shear walls, it is possible to ensure safety against collapse through proper structural design and detailing, to achieve the desired strength and ductility. There should be adequate number of frames in the two perpendicular directions in plan. The frames should be more-or-less symmetrically distributed to minimise twisting of the building.

Unlike buildings that have a basement, those built on stilts — with no walls in the ground storey — are more likely to collapse, as evidenced during the 2001 Gujarat earthquake. The structural instability is triggered by yielding in the ground storey columns, causing the upper storeys to come crashing down. In this case, the vertical walls of the building do not reach the ground; they suddenly end at the first floor of the building.

As a result, a sudden discontinuity in mass and stiffness of the walls arises leading to a concentration of stresses in the ground floor columns. The embedded steel in the column yields at the beam-column junction in the ground storey causing the whole building to collapse — technically called a pancake collapse.

Buildings on stilts need to be specially designed. Columns in the stilts should be stronger and stiffer than those in the rest of the building to take the additional stress introduced by the stilt construction.

Thus, we can safeguard the lives of our people by adopting proper building design and construction practices.


Professors, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras

11 Aug 2018


Home Construction Contractor and House and Building Contractor in Lucknow and Nainital FREE DESIGN AND ESTIMATE !!!-If you are dreaming about your ideal home but cannot find time to build it , then call us - 9506913481 ,9058913568. Well help make your dream home a reality. Top-AD Construction Company is a house designer and house builder that you can trust and rely on.We are making homes on both basis labour rate and with Material.We have well qualified and experienced Manpower and labors.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


The staircase connects the different levels in a house. It is used frequently by the inhabitants of a house and hence should be designed well - for comfortable use. Here are some Vaastu guidelines for the design of a Staircase.

  • Staircase should be in the South-West, South or West of the House.
  • It is not advisable to build a Staircase on the North-East side.
  • Avoid internal staircase in the corners of a house.
  • Avoid internal staircase in the centre of 

5 Aug 2018



Concrete frame structures are a very common – or perhaps the most common- type of modern building internationally. As the name suggests, this type of building consists of a frame or skeleton of concrete. Horizontal members of this frame are called beams, and vertical members are called columns. Humans walk on flat planes of concrete called slabs (see figure 2 at the bottom of the page for an illustration of each of the major parts of a frame structure). Of these, the column is the most important, as it is the primary load-carrying element of the building . If you damage a beam or slab in a building, this will affect only one floor, but damage to a column could bring down the entire building.

Working out the exact ‘recipe’, or proportions of each ingredient is a science in itself. It is called concrete mix design. A good mix designer will start with the properties that are desired in the mix, then take many factors into account, and work out a detailed mix design. A site engineer will often order a different type of mix for a different purpose. For example, if he is casting a thin concrete wall in a hard-to-reach area, he will ask for a mix that is more flowable than stiff. This will allow the liquid concrete to flow by gravity into every corner of the formwork. For most construction applications, however, a standard mix is used.

Common examples of standard mixes are M20, M30, M40 concrete, where the number refers to the strength of the concrete in n/mm2 or newtons per square millimeter. Therefore M30 concrete will have a compressive strength of 30 n/mm2. A standard mix may also specify the maximum aggregate size. Aggregates are the stone chips used in concrete. If an engineer specifies M30 / 20 concrete, he wants M30 concrete with a maximum aggregate size of 20mm. He does NOT want concrete with a strength of between 20-30 n/mm2, which is a common misinterpretation in some parts of the world.

So the structure is actually a connected frame of members, each of which are firmly connected to each other. In engineering parlance, these connections are calledmoment connections, which means that the two members are firmly connected to each other. There are other types of connections, including hinged connections, which are used in steel structures, but concrete frame structures have moment connections in 99.9% of cases. This frame becomes very strong, and must resist the various loads that act on a building during its life.

Architect and Engineer Guides To Home Construction

An architect can translate your individual requirements, dreams and thoughts into the form of a plan. They are sensitive to land conservation, environmental issues and familiar with applicable building codes and zoning regulations. They work for you as your agent and can help you in bid evaluation and selecting a contractor. They can even manage your project for you!

An engineer uses scientific knowledge, mathematics and ingenuity to develop solutions. They design materials, structures and systems while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, safety and costs. Basically, an architect is the designer managing the overall design of a building, with primary emphasis on space planning and appearance. The engineer handles safety and is also responsible for the layout of plumbing and electrical.

When should I hire an architect?
Architects are necessary whenever a home remodeling calls for making an addition, altering room sizes and shapes, or making major changes to the plumbing, electrical or heating systems. Architects will explore a homeowner’s lifestyle and use of the house, assess the house’s structure, and draw up construction plans that address both the owner’s desires and the structure’s requirements. Depending on city codes, homeowners may also need to submit plans with an architect’s seal before beginning work and retaining a permit. You may also want help with the management of your project.

What should I hire an engineer for?
You will need an engineer when you make changes to the roofing, walls, plumbing, wiring, or foundations of your home. It’s also a good idea to call a structural engineer if you feel your home has issues that make it unsafe. Engineers will explore the house and recommend what needs to be done, keeping in mind city building codes and your needs.

Engineer Types
If you are building a home or adding an addition, you may need a structural engineer or a soil engineer. A structural engineer is needed if the load-bearing walls in your home are being modified or removed, changes made to the plumbing or wiring, or if other structural elements are being tampered with. In these types of cases, it is crucial than you employ one in order to ensure your structure is safe.

Soil engineers (also called geotechnical engineers) analyze the soil structure of a proposed building construction site and existing structures for problematic conditions concerning the ground under foundations. They make necessary calculations for designing a structure’s foundation and the structure itself. A chimney continually going down, wall cracks, moving buildings – a soil engineer can help alleviate possible problems like this.


Trio Vision Construction Company

B-85 , Indira Nagar, Near Bhoothnath Market, Lucknow

Contact:+91-8318192212, 9058913568


No.1 House Contractor Company

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Suresh Pandey.
Ph no- +91-8318192212



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Lucknow Consulting Civil and Structural engineers)

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Take our Expert Advice for all Construction related queries! 8318192212

1 Jan 2018

Vastu Guidelines For Designing A House | An Architect Explains

Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian science for designing and building, unifies science, art, astronomy and astrology. The goal of Vastu Shastra is to restore the balance between buildings and the universe so as to make the lives of the inmates better.
The surprising thing is that Vastu Shastra principles are applicable even today, though ancient India has changed from a largely agricultural society to an urban one. This is because the Vastu factors that impact humans namely the elements of Nature, Sun’s effects, Earth’s magnetic field, cardinal directions and Earth’s energy (Prana) have not changed over the centuries and Vaastu Shastra is essentially the science of manipulating the above-mentioned Vastu factors in a building, so that they are in harmony, which in turn will make the lives of the inmates happy and peaceful.
details website:

The surprising thing is that Vastu  Shastra  principles  are  applicable  even today, though ancient India   has changed from a largely agricultural society to an urban one.This is because the Vastu factors that impact humans  namely  the  elements  of Nature, Sun’s effects, Earth’s magnetic field, cardinal   directions    and Earth’s energy (Prana) have  not  changed over the centuries and Vaastu Shastra is essentially the science of manipulating the above-mentioned  Vastu  factors  in  a  building, so that they are in harmony, which in turn will make the lives of the inmates happy and peaceful.

As an Architect, I have realised that these Vastu Shastra guidelines are wholly based on scientific principles and are very similar to the basic design rules that we are taught in Architecture school. So I have collated all the Vastu guidelines regarding the ‘designing of a house’ under the following three headings. I have attempted to explain each of these guidelines rationally and scientifically so that you have a choice and can decide what you want to follow or don’t instead of looking at Vastu as a superstition:


1. Vastu Guidelines For Selecting The Right Site: is very important since the Site represents a fixed form, that will radiate positive as well as negative energies depending on its location, orientation, shape, slope and soil quality. Listed here are the five most important factors to be considered while selecting a Site.

2. Vastu Shastra Principles For A House: are a guide for designing and planning a proportionate, aesthetic and beautiful building with the right measurements and are very similar to the principles of Architecture taught in Architectural colleges all over the world today. Listed here are five important Vastu principles that can help elevate the appearance of your house.
3. Vastu Plan of A House: Vastu Shastra lays down guidelines on the ‘design, location, direction and disposition of the Interior and Exterior spaces of a House’ so that the inmates derive maximum benefit from the natural elements and are protected from their harmful effects. Listed here are the Vastu guidelines for all the interior rooms and exterior spaces that encompass a house.
Vastu guidelines for the rooms of a house:
Vastu Guidelines for the Interiors of a house:
Vastu Guidelines for the exterior spaces of a house:
These guidelines are based on scientific reasoning and common sense and when applied correctly create well-lit, well-ventilated, spacious, aesthetic,  and well-designed rooms and House. A properly designed House  will naturally create ‘contentment’, ‘peace’ and ‘serenity’ for the inmates and the Owner will be proud of and happy to live in it.
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