Showing posts with label Home building contractors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home building contractors. Show all posts

20 Sept 2019

Structure in Building Construction

A complete guide for Structure in Building Construction 

It is delightful to see a vacant plot transform into a beautiful home. Do you realize that it requires a good amount of building materials, hours of hard labor, and insights of experts to erect a building? And, a majority of this work is termed as Structure in Building Construction!

In this guide let us learn in detail about how a building is constructed in a vacant plot. We’ll cover the following topics:

Definition & types of structure in building construction.

The steps involved in creating the structure

Precautions while doing structures

What to do after structures?

What exactly is “Structure” in Building Construction?

Structure in building construction refers to the process of putting together different elements of construction, to serve a useful purpose. This method has to effectively support and transmit possible loads on the building to the ground. Due importance is given on each element (also called as structure member), so as to restrict the load stress within the permissible limits.

Depending on how the load is transferred to the ground, the structure can be broadly classified into the following categories:

Types of Structures

a. Load Bearing Structures:

A thick wall structure (mostly built with strong bricks or stones) carries the building load to the ground.

b. Frame Structures:

A frame structure stands on a strong framework – made of concrete beams, columns, and vertical slabs. The columns carry the weight of the building to the ground. The inside of the frame is further filled with block works.

c. Post and Lintel Structures (or pillar beam structure):

A post and lintel structure has two posts like vertical members, holding a horizontal member called lintel, to carry the building load. This is similar to the Frame structure and is predominantly used in high rises and apartments.

As the first step to structures, decide upon the type of structure to be adopted – load bearing, pillar beam or frame.

Next, let us see the different stages of assembling the structural elements in a building construction.

1. Prerequisites for structure in building construction

Much before the actual building construction work commences, some basic site work is done. It includes:

Piling – In case of loose soil, strengthen it with reinforcements by Piling.

Develop Floor Plan -Get a floor plan to understand how the building looks from inside. It gives a fair idea about the layout of the rooms and amount of space available for each utility.

Foundation – Build a proper foundation to support and transfer the entire load from the building to soil.

Elevation – To get the vertical view of the building, draw an elevation plan. Typically, it is four elevation plans, one for each side of the building. This gives a detailed information about the location of exterior wall corners, position of windows and doors, finished floor and ceiling levels, and roof specifications.

Get even more insights about each of these topics here.



2: Do Block-work

Block work pertains to erecting walls of the building. Choose from different types of blocks based on the structure type adopted for construction.  The common ones are bricks, concrete blocks, AAC, cement blocks, porotherm etc.

3: Install door and window frames

 Install door and window frames along with progressing block work.

4: Carry out Plumbing and Electrical works

Lay pipes and leave provisions for water usage and drainage as plumbing basics. Also, install electrical conduits and pipes for sealed wiring catering to electrical needs. These also happen along with the block work.

5: Cast Lintel

A lintel is a concrete beam above window and door frames. It offers support to the wall over doors, windows or any other opening.

6: Slab casting, Shuttering, and Concreting

Mark slab requirement in places like the kitchen. Provide support to hold concrete when poured, using shuttering. Lay criss-cross steel reinforcements (RCC) over the shuttering to strengthen concrete. Pour concrete mix over this and allow it to set evenly. Ensure strength of concrete by treating it with water through a process called curing.

The process of casting concrete roof is also similar. In case of a thatched roof, work on the slope of the roof and install roofing materials. Also make sure the joints are sealed properly to avoid leakage in future.

7: Do Plastering

Cover walls with cement and sand mixture for aesthetic appeal called plastering. Prior to this, efficiently route electrical wires and plumbing channels to avoid rework.

Well, that sums up the essentials of structure work in building construction. There are a few tips to consider while doing the structures.

What should you take care of while doing the structure?

Understand that construction of a building is a collaborative effort. Many a thing go hand in hand with structures. To avoid unnecessary delays, plan everything in advance.

Firstly, never miss any of the processes in structure, be it piling. It may seem a bit unnecessary to go through each and every process, but it will prove worthwhile in future. 

Discuss every requirement and choices with the architect before floor plan is finalized. This ensures smooth structure operations.

Visualize your life in your new home before finalizing on the floor plan. Think of where you would be having your morning tea, where you would be entertaining your guests, where your children would be doing their homework or where you would be spending some undisturbed time with yourself.

Wherever there is a choice in building material, do a thorough research beforehand. Finalize it within the stipulated time after taking advice from the engineer. This gives the contractor ample time to be ready with the materials. This holds extremely true for door and window frames, as well as roofing materials.

Cost is an important factor while deciding on building materials, but keep in mind that cheapest is not always the best. For example, never compromise in the case of electrical wiring or concrete to cement ratio. Always go for the recommended options even at a cost of a few extra rupees.

From a utility perspective, have a clear picture on your requirements with respect to plumbing and electric works. Pass on these inputs to the teams concerned before the start of their work.

It is a common misconception that interiors are to be done after the structure is completed. You should have a clear picture of the interiors at the same time as conceptualizing the structure. This will help you make a few structural modifications to enhance the utility of the completed home.

When in doubt, trust the building company’s advice. They are definitely more experienced than you are and will recommend only the best for you.




The Checklist For Concrete Slab are listed below:

1. Make sure that the cover blocks are at right position and stay okay while concreting.

2. If the concrete is prepared at site, carefully handle the process of batching, water content, mixing and testing of fresh concrete.

3. Ensure that the beams are primarily cast in layers and compacted properly by vibrators.

4. Make sure that one carpenter and one helper is always present under the shuttering slab to confirm that it is supported well and will stay constant during and after concreting.

5. Assure the presence of a bar bender to avoid displacement of steel reinforcement.

6. Never permit extremely smooth finishing for the concrete slabs.

7. Try not to permit sprinkling of dry cement during finishing, It will help to prevent micro shrinkage cracks in the concrete.

8. Put the chairs appropriately to avoid disturbance at the top reinforcement bars during concreting.

9. Try to prevent cold joints in the casting slab.

10. In case of concreting in hot weather, protect the concrete surface by covering with wet gunny bags at least for 4 – 5 hours.

11. In case of concreting in rainy, windy, or extremely hot weather, put a cover of tarpaulin over the slab. It will protect the slab from getting damaged.

12. To prevent plastic shrinkage cracks in the concrete slab, avoid drastic drying of green concrete.

13. Ensure full compaction and complete finishing of the concrete.

18 Sept 2019

Difference Between Foundation And Footing

In Civil Engineering, a foundation is the lower portion of a building structure that transfers the building’s gravity load into the earth. A strong foundation is required in order for a building to stand the test of time and survive for decades or even centuries. Foundations are commonly separated into two distict categories: shallow foundations and deep foundations. A building’s foundation is made by first digging a trench into the ground. Dig deep enough to reach the subsoil. Subsoil is more solid than topsoil, which is where plant roots grow. Concrete is then poured into the trench, supported and strengthened further with steel rods. When the concrete dries, the steel holds it all together. This is known as reinforced concrete, and once it is in place, the structure can be built on top.
In Civil Engineering, a footing is a foundation that is constructed under the base of a wall or a column. The purpose of the footing is to distribute the weight of the building over a large area. The term footing is generally used in conjunction with shallow foundations, not deep foundations. Footing is placed directly below the lowest part of the structure it supports.
Footing vs Foundation
Followings are the differences between Footing and Foundation
Footing                  Foundation
1. The footing is a formation which is in contact with the ground.
Foundation is a structure which transfers its gravity loads to earth from superstructure.
2. Footing can be analogized with the feet of the leg.
Foundation can be compared with legs.
3. The footing is a type of shallow foundation.
Foundation can be shallow and deep.
4.Footing includes slab, rebar which are fabricated of brickwork, masonry or concrete.
Foundation types include piles, caissons, footings, piers, the lateral supports, and anchors.
5.Footing reinforces support to an individual column.
Foundation is an extensive support  because it gives support to a group of footings as an entire building
6. A number of footings repose on a foundation.
Foundation is the support that bears all kinds of loadings.
7. A footing is under the foundation wall.
Foundations are the basement walls.
8. Footing transmits loads directly to the soil.
Foundation is in direct contact with the soil and transmits it to the ground.
9. All footings are foundations.Not all foundations are footings.

15 Sept 2019

Home Loan: कैसे कम करें होम लोन EMI का बोझ, ये टिप्स आएंगे आपके काम

नई दिल्ली, बिजनेस डेस्क। मौजूदा दौर में लोन लेकर घर खरीदना आम बात है। होम लोन न सिर्फ हमें अपने घर खरीदने के फैसले को टालने से रोकता है बल्कि यह हमें टैक्स बचाने में भी मदद करता है। कई मर्तबा होम लोन लेने के बाद इसके ईएमआई को चुकाना एक सिरदर्द होता है। लेकिन, इससे जल्दी छुटकारा कैसे मिले यह बड़ा सवाल है। होम लोन लेने वाले अपने होम लोन ईएमआई बोझ को कम करने के लिए कई ऑप्शनल ट्रिक का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं। नए लोन लेने वालों के पास विभिन्न बैंकों की तरफ से पेश की जाने वाली दरों की तुलना करने और अधिकतम फायदा लने के ऑप्शन हैं, लेकिन मौजूदा ग्राहकों के पास बहुत कम ऑप्शन हैं। जिन लोगों ने पहले से लोन लिया है वो अपने होम लोन को एक बैंक से दूसरे ऐसे बैंक में ट्रांसफर कर सकते हैं, जिससे ब्याज दरों में कमी हो सकती है। हालांकि होम लोन ट्रांसफर करना हर किसी के लिए आसान नहीं है। इस खबर में हम आपको होम लोन को जल्द खत्म करने के कुछ टिप्स बता रहे हैं...

होम लोन बैलेंस ट्रांसफर: होम लोन लेने वाले ज्यादातर लोग लोन की अवधि के बीच दूसरे कर्जदाता के पास जाना पसंद नहीं करते। कर्ज की अवधि के दौरान अगर कभी भी उपयुक्‍त कर्जदाता मिलता है, तो इस बात की सलाह दी जाती है कि होम लोन को ट्रांसफर किया जाए। इन बातों को ध्यान में रखकर आप होम लोन को जल्दी भर सकते हैं।

ईएमआई राशि बढ़ाएं: वेतन पाने वाले उधारकर्ताओं को साल में सैलरी में एक बार हाइक मिलता है। इसलिए अपनी ईएमआई राशि को धीरे-धीरे बढ़ाएं। अगर आप हर साल अपनी ईएमआई राशि बढ़ाते हैं तो लोन पीरियड में कमी आएगी, जिससे आपको कुल बकाया लोन राशि चुकाने में मदद मिलेगी।

वेतन की तारीख: कोशिश करें कि अपनी ईएमआई की तारीख अपनी सैलरी की तारीख के नजदीक रखें, इससे आप ईएमआई भुगतान को लेकर कभी नहीं चूकेंगे। ईएमआई और एसआईपी के पेमेंट के बाद बचे धन के साथ अपने खर्च की योजना बनाएं। चाहें तो यह भी सुनिश्चित कर लें कि बकाया भुगतान के लिए आपके होम लोन पर कोई अतिरिक्त शुल्क तो नहीं लगाया गया है।

TRIO vision Group


B-85 indira nagar, Bhoothnath Metro Station lucknow.

21 Aug 2019

We Make Your Dream Home on a Plot of Land.

If you are dreaming about your ideal home but cannot find time to build it , then call us  We help make your dream home a reality. Trio Vision Construction Company is a house designer and house builder that you can trust and rely on.We are making homes with Material.We have well qualified and experienced Manpower and labors.
Are you building your dream home on a piece of land? From hiring an architect/construction company for planning to cross checking the quality of construction, several factors play a critical role in making the end result a success. 

TRIO vision Group shares important tips to keep in mind while constructing your house on a  plot.

The excitement of building a home is priceless. From constructing it to designing, you have to play an active role to ensure successful construction of  your dream home. It is a long process and requires your constant attention or you could end up paying heavily later. TRIO vision group shares  various architectural and financial aspects that one should keep in mind while building a home.

Know your Budget

Before you start constructing your home, set an estimated budget in your mind. The quality of the work to be done will depend on your overall budget. Make sure that your tentative budget is 20 per cent more than the estimated cost. Keep some funds for interiors and do not spend everything on construction.

Hire an architect

Hiring a good architect or a structural engineer will help you organize things well. Explain him your needs and requirements like  number of family members and rooms required on the basis of which he will make a blueprint. “The architect will study the feasibility of the plot and let you know how much of the plot is usable (built-up area). Do not hesitate in asking how much area is to be left open,” says Suresh Pandey, Director, trio vision group.

Once it is done, the architect will further help you take quotations from contractors. However, it is important to do some online and physical research yourself. Talk to different contractors, explain them your needs, and take an estimate and compare. Do not go by what the architect says. Check if the contractor has a sound reputation and is known for using good quality material. Enquire about his past projects, visit his clients, check their homes, ask them the time taken for completing the project and take their feedback.

Shape of the plot

Shape of the plot have a direct impact on the construction cost. While square plots are most viable for construction, complex shapes require more  per sq ft area and which increases  the cost of construction. Also, if you are constructing a bungalow, it is advisable to check if the plot is vastu-compliant.

Materials used 

Another important thing is to find out about the materials being used. For instance, a contractor constructs a home on a 200 sq yard plot of area for Rs 25 lakh in 6 months using substandard construction material while the other contractor completes the same work for Rs 30 lakh in 5 months using good quality material. In this case, you should always go for the second contractor who is more reliable in terms of using materials even though if it affects your budget a little.

Similarly, cost of building material (such as bricks, cement, stone and sand) and labour varies in different cities. It will be relatively higher in metro cities compared to Tier II and III cities. Make an agreement and take everything on paper. Ask the contractor to include some of the interior work within the total cost of construction.

Standard vs Customised home

The concept of standard homes is slowly being replaced by customised and luxury homes. People are now designing specific portions of their home (removing walls and increasing bathroom space) as per their requirement. However, one should not forget that if we desire to build a customised home, the cost increases instantly despite the same materials being used. Remember, customization should not affect your budget.

Basement and Car Parking 

Basements are expensive to construct because it uses Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) Framed Structure. “Modern houses are sort of mixed in terms of design and requirement. Therefore, the trend is to divide the ground floor into two halves – front half should be reserved for car parking and the other half should be made the living room facing the garden.

Sustainable development

The world is moving towards sustainability  and it becomes even more important to use sustainable materials and solar products. As a rule, you have to leave thirty per cent open space in societies. Similarly, you should try to leave atleast twenty per cent open space. Use glass windows instead of walls in the living room so that you can have a serene view of the garden. By using these materials, carbon footprint gets reduced thus, making your home more sustainable to the environment.
Now, let us have a look at some of the financial aspects that you should keep in mind:


To avail home loan for construction of house on a residential plot, it needs to be in Municipal limits on a legally valid title of freehold/lease hold property or property allotted by government agency such as LDA, AWAS VIKS and etc. Loans are not given only for purchase of plot which they consider will be speculative in nature. There is also a stipulated time period within which the construction need to be completed

Eligibility Criteria 

The eligibility is calculated basis the repaying capacity of the borrowers and the property is funded till eighty five per cent loan-to-value (LTV) of the cost of construction. The borrower has to first invest the margin money of fifteen per cent in the initial construction.


Once the loan is sanctioned as per the eligibility of the customers. The banks will conduct the due diligence in terms of legal and technical checks on the property. Post the legal and technical checks are satisfied the loan amount is disbursed as per the stage of construction. Since the property will be under construction and disbursement will be made in tranches, the borrower will be paying only Pre-EMI till the final amount gets disbursed

Type of plan

The interest rate are easing and would be reducing in the coming years. Thus it would be advisable to go for floating rate of interest rather than locking into fixed rate of interest which will be 150-200 basis point higher than floating rate.

Trio Vision Construction Company
B-85 , Indira Nagar, Near Bhoothnath Market, Lucknow

Facebook Page Link :-

Customise your package
to build your perfect home!

*Rates may vary based on preference.

Customise your home from Material, Interiors, Furnishing to Courtyards or Swimming pools! We cover everything to make the perfect home for you! Get in touch with experts to discuss your ideas and preferences.
Book a free Consultation! 
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29 Jul 2019

How to choose the right construction loan

Building your own home can be a better investment than taking a mortgage or renting in the long term. By setting out and customizing your home to suit your aesthetic, you will be able to meet your exact needs. If you are considering this type of home ownership, a construction loan could help finance your project.
A construction loan is a specialized type of loan offered to potential homeowners who are looking to address financing for building or renovating their property. It does not offer the same terms as a regular loan because lenders are expected to make progressive or drawn down payments, where funds are released during each stage of construction.
This loan is divided into five key stages; foundation laying, brickwork and roofing, installation of doors and windows, adding internal fixtures, and making final touches. Lenders arrange an inspection and release funds. Construction loans will usually involve interest repayments until the project is finished, upon which borrowers begin making principal and interest repayments.
If you are looking to take up a construction loan, what should you consider to get the best deal?
Interest rates
Like other loan products, your interest rate will determine the cost of your loan. You should shop around to find affordable interest rates which suit your financial situation. If you have collateral, you could use it to access the best possible rates. However, you need to be wary of an unsustainable loan repayment structure as this can cause you to lose your collateral.
Loan features
If you do not have a sufficient income, you may consider loan products with additional features such as an interest-only option. You can always rent out or sell your property for profit in future, allowing you to pay off your debt and recoup some value. An interest-only option, as well as other loan features, could make your construction loan manageable and affordable.
Your loan to value ratio
Understanding the value of your land and building will enable you to get appropriate loan terms. Lenders will consider these aspects to determine your loan-to-value ratio, which will impact their willingness to offer you a loan, as well as the cumulative amount. They will also determine the value of your building at each stage of inspection. If you assess these aspects and determine your loan-to-value ratio before seeking out a loan, you will be better able to find the right loan deal.
Your deposit
How much do you have set aside? For construction loans, most lenders will require that you deposit a minimum of 10% of the value of your completed property. You need to assess your plans and determine this value to make sure you meet the requirements for a construction loan. For added security and better terms, you may consider laying a 20% deposit. This will help you avoid loan insurance, which can increase the cost of your loan.
Requisite documentation
In order to qualify for a loan, different lenders will impose certain demands. There are specific financial documents that you need to provide in order to qualify for this type of loan. You should review each lender’s specific needs before making an application to ensure you can qualify for a construction loan.
Trio vision Group
B-85 Indira nagar lko

19 Jul 2019

Things To Watch Out When Renovating Your Home

The home renovation helps in improving the property's net worth. Additionally, you can get a fresh new home with all the comfort you require and meet with all your expectations within your budget. Due to the excitement of renovating your home, you majorly concentrate on the interior design of the house and forget about the other main things. So, here is the list of things to watch out when renovating home.

1. Structural issues
The structural challenges are quite hard to break through. You need to address these issues primarily before dealing with other problems. Start inspecting the windows, doors, and roofing by making sure that they are in good condition. Check for other places if they are broke or prone to cracks. You need to fix these issues to improve the structural strength of the house.
2. Wiring and plumbing systems
Hire the experts to inspect if both the electrical as well as plumbing systems are working properly. The experts resolve the related issues if anything found. The old wirings may lead to many serious issues which need to be replaced to ensure the safety of the residents. You cannot underestimate the never-ending plumbing problems. Make sure to get rid of the annoying plumbing problems while renovating it.
3. Waterproofing
The damages caused by water infiltration can be much severe than any other. It can lead to the growth of mold and mildew which deteriorates the interiors. You need to do waterproofing to avoid wall dampening and other issues which might damage the structural strength of the building.
4. Roofs
If your house has asbestos or any other roofs, you need to inspect its condition before proceeding to the renovation work. The roofing gets easily damaged as they get exposed to extreme weather condition throughout the year.  You might need to hire a roofer to conduct the inspection as well as to repair or replace any part of it.
5. Termites
The termites are a major headache for the houses that hold many wooden objects. It might be almirah, cupboard, doors, flooring or others. The termites damage the complete wooden material and weaken its structural strength. You need to hire pest services to get rid of these harmful termites.

19 Apr 2019

Design of RCC Structural Components

In this article, I will discuss the minimum standards that can be followed for the design of RCC structural components of a structure, such as columns, beams, slab and foundation. We will also discuss the minimum safe standards for the reinforcing bars that are to be used for the design of the above mentioned Structural Components.

Minimum cross-sectional dimension for a Column: is  9″x 12″ (225 MM x 300 MM) which is the minimum recommended size. I have designed hundreds of buildings, and never had the misfortune of any structural component ever failing due to loads. I always use M20 grade concrete for construction, as it is the minimum recommended grade of concrete is IS 456:2000. Please don’t skimp on the quality of concrete. The minimum steel in a 9″ x 9″ column is 4 bars of 12 MM with stirrups of 8 MM steel rings at a distance of 150 MM centre to centre. In a 9″ x 12″ column, I add two more bars, to take the total to 6 bars of 12 MM diameter. This design can be safe for up to G+1 floors. But there are a lot of other factors involved.

Also check out:

Thumb rules for making a Column Layout

Construction on Site | Design of RCC Structures[/caption]

Minimum RCC beam size should not be less than 9″x 9″ (225MM X 225MM), with an additional slab thickness of 125 MM. I generally use a minimum of 4 bars, with 2 bars of 12 MM thickness in the bottom of the beam, and 2 bars of 10 MM at the top of the beam. I maintain a concrete cover of 40 MM. I recommend use of M20 grade of concrete (1 part cement : 1.5 parts sand : 3 parts aggregate : 0.5 parts water).

Minimum thickness of RCC slab I recommend is 5″ (125MM) because a slab may contain electrical pipes embedded into them which could be 0.5″ or more for internal wiring, which effectively reduces slab depths at certain places, causing cracking, weakening and water leakage during rains. So, a minimum thickness of 5″ should be maintained.

Minimum size of foundation for a single storey of G+1 building, where soil safe bearing capacity is 30 tonnes per square meter, and the oncoming load on the column does not exceed 30 tonnes, a size of 1m x 1m should be used. Minimum depth of footing should be atleast 4′ below ground level. It is recommended to go to depths up to had strata.

Reinforcing bar details (minimum)

1. Columns: 4 bars of 12mm steel rods FE 500

2. Beams: 2 bars of 12 mm in the bottom and 2 bars of 10 mm on the top.

3. Slab

a) One Way Slab: Main Steel 8 MM bars @ 6″ C/C and Distribution Steel of 6 mm bars @ 6″ C/C

b) Two Way Slab: Main Steel 8 MM bars @ 5″ C/C and Distribution Steel of 8 mm bars @ 7″ C/C

4. Foundation: 6″ of PCC layer comes first. Over than, a tapered or rectangular footing of 12″ thickness is minimum. Steel mesh of 8 mm bars @ 6″ C/C should be laid. In a 1m X 1m footing, this would consist of 6 bars of 8 mm on both portions of the steel mesh.

26 Jan 2019

MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENTSUBJECT: Quotation for the construction of Residence at Lucknow.

Dear Sir/Mam,
It in reference to our discussions regarding Construction services for your
proposed Residence we are submitting herewith the details of our services.
“The work” according to drawing and details, showing detailed
description of the work to be done under the direction of the Client and
approved by the Architect.
A) -STRUCTURE :     
                                    As per approved Drawings
Frame Structure,
R.C.C. Slab (slab thickness & steel as per structure drawing or as per
Super structure brickwork 9” or 4½” where required.
B) - CIVIL WORK: (Material)
Course sand -First Class,
Fine Sand if needed.
CEMENT - Ultra Tech, MP Birla, Sri,  J.P ( 53 Grade PPC).
BRICK- 1st Class, 
Reinforcement – Gallent, Kamdhenu, TMT BAR 500D or Equivalent to this.
Inside / outside plaster on walls (Maximum two sides/facades).
a) Drainage/down pipes of PVC (Kissan, supreme, finolex)
as required. Each toilet will have separate line of direct water
supply and from water tank. Provision of hot water shall be
b) CPVC (Kisan, supreme, finolex) pipes for water supply as specified.
c) Inspection chambers, manholes and gully traps etc. as per drawing.
d) CP fittings of CERA, CORSA economical .
e) One toilet shall have diverter and other shall have L-band wall mixer.
For a Bath room following fitting will be done:
f) W.C-1, Wash basin-1(without platform) + tap-1, Diverter or L Band,
towel rail From water tank to main line for floors- connections will be
a) Conduit PVC Pipe + Band of medium grade of ISI make Meena,
V.K.Gold or A.K.G.
b) Junction Box, Fan box - Iron, Deep box – C.I.
c) Wire of HAVELLS, RR KABLE, POLYCAB and Modular Switches
d) Inverter wiring
e) Separate lines for separate floors
F - FLOORING (Tiles):
2’x2’ single charge vitrified tile of make,
Floors ( Rs. 35/- to 45/- Per sqft.)
Wall tiles in toilets (height 7’-0”) (Base price Rs. 35/- to 45/- Per sqft).
Kitchen tiles: only 2’-0” high above counter.
Toilet seat fixtures and
range.(6000/-) Rs only
Staircase- Granite- Rs. 95-100/-kitchen Marble Rs. 80/- to 90/
Only outer door and windows will be of double patam.
Main Door of teak wood (only one door) and main Jali door  (only one door) of pine wood and all other
doors will be of ISI marked Flush Doors with Laminates. Window frame will be of Sakhu wood
with 4mm glass of ASI. Only one door with interlock  will be provided.
Chaukhat : KAPOOR/MALASYIAN SAKHU (without groove and
Door Frame & window frame: 3”x2.5” (single patam) &5”x2.5”
(double patam).
Door Chaukhat - Sakhu Wood (Kapoor)
Window Chaukhat - Sakhu Wood (Kapoor)
I) - PAINTING (Putty):
For interior: Asian tractor emulsion paints & JK wall putty-two coat, one coat primer.
For exterior: Apex Ultima of Asian paints. Color as per architect and client’s choice.
GRILL WORK on windows as per design specified by the architect.
Railing to be made in M S pipe in D section (1”x1.5”)/ Staircase in
stainless steel- grade 304, O.T.S jaal in M.S Main gate (Rs 15,000/-).
As per requirement like Sintex, Ganga etc. (only Two tank with
capacity of 500 L- white triple layer)
P.C.C. 1:4:8 (1 Part Cement: 4 Part Coarse sand: 8 brick blast 40 Mm)
Concrete Work 1:1.5:3(1 Part Cement: 1.5 Parts Coarse Sand: 3 Part Aggregate.
(slab, beam and column)
Masonry 9” thick -1:6 (1 Part Cement: 6 Part Coarse Sand
Masonry 4.5”thick- 1:6 (1Part Cement: 6 Part Coarse Sand
Plaster (12mm thick) 1:6 (1 Part Cement: 6 Part Sand(little part of fine sand for smooth surface.
Note: Existing floor plan drawings (ALL FLOORS), working drawings, floor plans, electrical drawings, plumbing drawings, structural drawings, flooring pattern plan,
false ceiling design will be provided for no extra cost.
Note: No site supervision charges shall be changed from the client.
The Total fee chargeable for the above mentioned services will be
@Rs.1450/- per sq.ft. of super built up area.
B-85 Indira nagar, near Bhootnath market lucknow.
Contact: 8318192212, 9058913568

18 Jan 2019

Home Renovation and Construction rate and Service in Lucknow

Our Company provides the best Construction and Renovation service in aing , Balaganj , Banthra , Barha , Behta Saboli , Bhadrukh , Bharat Nagar, Bijnaur , Chand Ganj , Charbagh , Chaupatiyan , Chinhat ,Civil Lines , Dalibagh Colony, Daliganj, Darulshafa, Deva Road , Dilkusha Garden , DLF Garden City, Faizabad Road , Ganesh Ganj , Gari Chunauti, Ghaila , Ghazipur , Goila , Gokhale Marg , Gomti Nagar , Gudamba Thaana Road , Guramba, HAL , Hazratganj , Husainabad , Hussainganj , IIM Road , Indira Nagar , Jal Vayu Vihar , Jankipuram, Jopling Road , Jugor , Kalyanpur , Kamalabad Barhauli , Kanpur Road , Kuroni , Kursi Road , Lalbagh, Lucknow Cantonment , Madion , Mahanagar , Mahipatmau , Malesemau , Manak Nagar , Manas Nagar, Maunda , Miranpur Pinvat , Mohan Road , Narayan Nagar , Natkur , Naubasta , Naveen Galla Mandi, Navi Kot Nandana , New Ganeshganj , New Hyderabad , Nijampur Malhor , Nilmatha , Nirala Nagar, Nishatganj , Paikaramau , Pan Dariba Marg , Park Road , Pawanpuri , Piparsand , Prag Narain Road, Rae Bareli Road , Rahim Nagar , Rajajipuram , Rajendra Nagar , Ram Mohan Rai Marg , Rasoolpur Sadat, Ruchi Khand-II , Saadatganj , Sadrauna , Sapru Marg , Sarai Mali Khan , Sarojini Nagar, Sarosa Bharosa, Sarvodaya Nagar, Sector-14 , Sector-18 , Sector-B , Sector-D , Shahnajaf Road , Sharda Nagar, Shyam Vihar Colony, Sikrauri , Singar Nagar , Subhash Marg, Sujanpura, Sunder Bagh , Sushant Golf City, Telibagh, Thakurganj,  The Mall Avenue , Tilak Marg , Triveni Nagar , Uattardhona, Utrathia,  vasant kunj, Vibhuti Khand , Vikas Nagar , Vineet Khand , VIP Road , Vishesh Khand , Vivekanand puri,  Vrindavan Yojana.
Suresh Pandey

7 Jan 2019


We are at the brink of stepping into 2019. With a new year come new trends in interior designing and some antiquated trends that we should leave behind. To start off the New Year on the right foot, let’s see some of the trends that will be popular in 2019. These trends include great use of space, elegant furniture and beautiful colours that will be an excellent way to refresh or even renew your home for the New Year.

Trends are a controversial topic in the realm of Interior Design, and views may vary wildly. Some designers may agree something is on trend whilst they don't accept other trending interior design looks. But if you are seeking inspiration, here are a few ideas, and choosing what appeals to your personal taste will always be a great idea.

1. Sustainable Design:
Sustainability is something that has been gaining focus for a while now; we will see interior designs which are eco-friendly in 2019. Across homes, there will be key sustainability related trends such as green walls, herb gardens, and live plant walls. Inculcating green indoor will be a big interior design trend in the coming year. With the environment suffering major crisis, this is a great trend to take decor which is easy on the eyes while leaving little to no impact on our planet as well.
Also, use of sustainable materials such as responsibly sourced furniture and fabric, recycled plastic and natural fabrics will be embraced. The movement towards sustainable design has already made an impact in the world of architecture and now interior design is also catching up to be more eco-conscious.
2. Curved Furniture:
Chairs and sofas in curvilinear cuts is a design that has been long out of vogue, but is making a comeback this coming year. This style of furniture was popular in the mid-20th century, and since has been replaced by straight lines and geometric shapes. But curves in furniture are back in a big way, which gives a more relaxed elegance.
For so long, crisp lines were all the rage in furniture, especially in sofas and chairs. Remember, that you can bring curves to any room with even the smaller furniture accessories. So move out your boxy sectional designs and incorporate more organic shapes and dainty curved furniture that will be a fresh new trend to look out for in 2019.
3. Smarter smaller spaces:
A preference for urban living is leading us to smaller and smaller spaces. One of the secrets of designing small spaces is to make a single space multifunctional. Smaller spaces are perfect opportunities to try out new ideas, which can really be challenging design wise. Smaller homes with tight spaces and great design will be a big trend this coming year.
With a little planning and forethought, even the most cramped spaces can become equal parts functional and eye-catching.
4. Colour trends:
There is a definite relation towards design aesthetics and colour trends across 2019. The pantone colour for the year 2019 is Living coral, which is a great shade of light pinkish orange. Neutral tones are giving way to bolder, more poppy shades which are taking a cue from the pantone colour of the year. After many years the trend of greys and other defining neutrals are now coming to an end. Experimenting with bolder and more saturated colours in exciting hues is going to be a trend which will be relatively simple to transition into.
These bolder colours are primarily used as pops of colour in larger rooms while smaller bits of colour are used in accessorizing. Look out for crisp shades of greens, and watermelon, bright mint and even cocoa browns along with shades of blues. In the spirit of keeping new colours easy, you might want to incorporate these shades in throw pillows, blankets or even chairs.
5. Patterns:
Florals are definitely trending, whether you decide to go over the top and bold, or keep the floral pattern simple, don't be afraid to add patterns into your space. The grand scale of a huge floral patterned wallpaper or design makes quite the statement. Think of dark, larger scale florals is spaces such as your powder room or foyer.
When used in elements like curtains, a bold scale pattern makes an unabashed statement which may not be for the faint of heart. The upcoming trend of floral patterns will be roses, peonies and lilacs with splashes of oversized blooms and other botanical references. Stepping away from the repetitive pattern, we will be embracing a new un-repetitive oversized botanical floral print which is sure to catch your eye for the coming year.
6. Maximalism:
More is more this coming year. Designers are mixing metals with textures and sheen to create a multilayered over the top maximalist look. Interiors should be fun and exciting, and minimalism is now out. Try small doses to avoid overwhelming yourself. Bring in colourful cushions and clashing tones, and place them on your sofas. To make sure your interiors still feel connected, try to find something in common, a theme, within the mix of colours, textures, patterns and objects.
An instant maximalist trend alert can be bold wallpaper, which adds instant appeal. Larger than life designs with a classic mix of rich and bold colours are a perfect way to merge all the above trends and incorporate maximalism at the same time.
In design terms, forecasting a trend is an experimental subject that involves creativity and facilities design interest. The colours are bright and bold, the materials are sustainable and innovative in their recycling methods, and the accessories are adaptable in curves and bold patterns are trending this coming year. These are a few of the up and coming trends of the New Year, hope this inspires a fresh new design outlook for your new year!

Suresh Pandey( consultant)
Interior, Constructions and design


Apart from Cooking and Cleaning, a lot of activity takes place in your kitchen. The space can also be used to eat, drink and socialise. To accommodate a functional yet beautiful kitchen is a huge task. An impractical design can make your kitchen difficult to use.

The following are some of the most common kitchen design mistakes that homeowners tend to make while planning their kitchens. Be sure to understand what you need to avoid in order to get the most out of your kitchen space.

1. Storage vs. Shelving:

Kitchens tend to contain a lot of things; there are items that are not only for consumption, but also for storage and utility. Finding a place for your appliances as well as maintaining different places for the myriad of foods is essential. Built-in appliances are expensive and overall tend to be larger investments that need to be made with forethought and planning. You should make sure that these appliances are in efficient locations with appropriate power supply.

Open shelving is gorgeous, but think about how much you would display and what the maintenance will be with all the open shelves collecting dust. Utilize as much space as possible for storage. A modular kitchen is an important factor to make the kitchen design appear seamless and elegant.

2. Counter top:

Not having enough counter top space can be frustrating and limit the functionality of the kitchen. Good countertops are expensive, but it’s a good idea to invest in a good material, such as granite, which does not absorb a lot and leaves the counter easy to clean and maintain. Once the counter space is allocated, make sure you understand how many appliances you have for use on the counter.

Think through where the wet work, i.e. appliance work, wash basin and blenders are to be located. Then place sockets conveniently so that the wires are not obstructing other functions. Also, curtail areas where the dry work is the main function, like cutting vegetables, unloading groceries etc. Keeping these spaces divided is important for the counter to be utilized efficiently.

3. Waste management:

Most people do not even consider this as part of kitchen design. However, if you ask anybody who cooks, they are sure to tell you about the amount of organic and other waste produced constantly from all the groceries and food packaging. You should make sure that you have areas for segregated waste, like organic and recyclable.

The waste basket should not be kept where it is visible to all, and also, a part that can be quite tricky to implement, the waste baskets should not be placed without ventilation. Now, modular kitchens have a feature where ventilation slits are placed in cabinets that allow the bin to be placed discreetly yet correctly. A large bin must be placed outside to collect the majority of the waste and a smaller one indoors as well which may be hidden in the built in cabinets.

4. Backsplash:

Another overlooked feature which is essential for the functioning of the kitchen is the back splash area. When working together with elements like, water, fire and air, there is bound to be some messiness. In most modular kitchens there are overhead storage shelves as well as counters below. Now that leaves us with space between the countertop and the overhead storage shelves. Covering this entire ‘in-between’ space may seem like an overkill, but it's highly advised. Leaving any wall exposed may just lead to buildup of grease, especially with Indian cooking.

Cover the surface with something you can wipe clean after use, like a tile. The chimney above the hob may be stainless steel along with your appliances. Keep the backsplash classic with a tile.

5. Lighting and Ventilation:

Natural light is great in your house, but its needed most in the kitchen where more work that requires concentration takes place. It is better to have well-lit areas with good quality indoor lighting. During the daytime, it would be great if the space was lit naturally through natural sun, but in the evening or even when chopping or cooking, it is advisable to use strong artificial indoor lighting.

Ventilation is an important factor and when it comes to the kitchen, improper ventilation can cause health issues from all the fumes, smoke and gases emitted while cooking. Install a good chimney over the hob that has a good exhaust fan. Also, place windows in the kitchen, it is not necessary to close all the windows to maximise the utility of a kitchen. Well placed windows will help bring in light as well as air ventilation.

6. Architectural Integrity:

The ‘kitchen triangle’ is one of the most efficient layouts for your kitchen space. Yes, you need a kitchen that won't looked dated in ten years but functionality, as mentioned before, is key. The kitchen triangle involves spacing the three most used features of your kitchen, which is the sink, the stove and the refrigerator. The layout is to help ease access in between all three while still spacing them out comfortably.

There may be a few variations in the kitchen triangle design, but straying away too much can hurt the efficiency of your kitchen.

There are important aspects and considerations to make when designing a kitchen. Mistakes can be costly and stressful, and can be avoided with the right planning. Executing it the right way can minimize risk and increase the overall utility of your kitchen.


20 Dec 2018


Kitchen is the most effected area of house from where all kind of energies prevails while an expert Vastu consultant would surely identify about the adverse situation of house if kitchen is placed incorrectly. This important part of house must be placed on its corresponding place i.e. South-east governed by element Fire. Kitchen being the important part of home is the primary contributing factor in the general health and well-being of occupants.
Vastu Tips for Kitchen
Some essential things need to be considered in Vastu of kitchen, read out related Vastu tip for kicthen:
Element Fire governs in the direction South-east, so this portion of house ideal for locating kitchen. However, if choosing alternative then North-west part could be taken for constructing kitchen but avoid making kitchen in any other direction.
Kitchens in north quadrant tend to affect health female members.
Place water sink in the North-east with the maximum distance from cooking gas.
Larger windows in the kitchen should be in Eastern side while small ventilators should be placed in South.
Provision for water storage and taps should be made in North-east of the kitchen.
Keep all the furnishing 3away from the wall.
Avoid placing dinning table in the centre of the kitchen instead locate it in the North-west direction.
The sink should be in the Northeast corner of the kitchen.
Electric equipment like microwave, oven or refrigerator should be placed in South-west.
The slope of the water flow should be from Southwest towards Northeast
The cylinder should be placed in the Southeast corner.
The Geyser should be installed on the Southeast side.
The storage for all the food grains, utensils, the over head almirah should always be on the Southern and the western walls and not on the Northern and the Eastern walls.
A dishwasher can be placed in the north west of the kitchen.
The exhaust fan should be installed either in the Northwest corner or the South wall.
There should be no toilets and bathrooms adjoining, and above or below the kitchen.
The door of the kitchen should never face the door of the toilet.
Best Directions For Kitchen Accessories According To Vastu
TypeBest DirectionPointersEntry doorNorth, East, or WestThe kitchen door must not be in any of the corners.Gas CylinderSoutheastEmpty cylinders should be kept in the southwestern directionCooking GasSoutheast Corner
Gas stove must be a few inches away from the wall.
It must never be in front of the main door.
It should be placed in a way that the cook faces east when cooking
RefrigeratorSoutheast, South, North or West
Refrigerator must never be in Northeastern direction.
If the refrigerator is placed in the southwestern direction, it must be a feet away from the corner.
Equipments (e.g.Heaters, Conventional ovens, Microwaves, ovens)Southeast or SouthEquipments must never be kept in the northeast portionStoring RacksWestern or Southern wallCommodities such as, grain, pulses, and spices, must be stored in the west or south.SinkNorth-East cornerThe water source such as, water filter or pitcher, should be kept in the northeast.Windows and Exhaust fanEast directionThe bigger windows should always be constructed in the eastern direction, while smaller ones must be towards south.ClocksSouth or Southwest Wall
Flooring For The Kitchen
Ceramic tiles
Color Scheme According To Vastu For Kitchen
The color of the walls should be-
Avoid using the color black in your kitchen.
Things To Avoid
The kitchen must never be below or above a bathroom/toilet.
The toilet and kitchen must never share a common wall. Both the defects can have adverse effect on the resident's health.
Kitchen must never face the main entrance of the house.
The kitchen must never be located in the North or North East as this can badly affect a person's career
As per vastu for kitchen, mid-north, northeast, mid-west, mid-south, southwest, and the center of a house should never be used for constructing a kitchen
The Pooja room or temple must never be above the stove or kitchen sink as it brings bad luck.
Stove in the kitchen must not be visible from outside.
We have to take care of the following points while studying about the vastu of the kitchen. Vastu consultation of kitchen involves thorough analysis.
Proper location of the kitchen in the house
The direction of the Entrance
The direction & placement of the windows
The direction & placement of the cooking gas
The direction to face while cooking
The direction & placement of the sink
The direction & placement of the refrigerator
The direction & placement of the electric equipments
The direction & placement of the gas cylinders
The direction & placement of storage
The colour scheme of the kitchen
Suresh Pandey
(Vastu, Constructions & Interior)

19 Dec 2018


It is advisable to consult a Vaastu Expert, but some useful tips and practical illustration of principles of Vaastu are given here to add to your Health, Wealth, Happiness and Prosperity. By using these Tips, You can Change Your Destiny for the Better.

Keep all electrical/heat generating appliances in the SE corner of the room.
Do not construct kitchen, toilets and prayer room (puja-room) next to one another.

The kitchen should not be directly in front of the main door.

Do not keep broken mirrors, and watches and electrical gadgets which are either lying idle or out of order in the house.

Mirrors, sinks, wash-basins and taps should preferably be along the NE wall.

The safe should open towards the north or the east. So, keep it along south or the west.

The toilet seat should preferably be along the North-South axis. The septic tank can be in the NW or the SE corner of the House.

Avoid having garbage dump, street-light pole, or boulders in front of the main gate or door.

Your main door should not be opposite the main door of another house.

The number of doors and windows should be more on the ground floor and less on the upper floor.

The image of Gajalaxmi at the main door is considered auspicious.

The north-east corner is the face house and should always be kept clean.

While cleaning the floor with any disinfectant, a little sea salt should be added.

Students should study facing the north or east.

Do not sit or sleep under a beam.

Do not keep or hang paintings depicting war, crime, violence, unrest, agony or distress.

Construct the front door in such a manner as to avoid the fall of a shadow on it.

Grow a tulsi or basil plant in front of the house.

Do not have any cactus in the house. Having it outside the boundry is good.

Rain water or drainage should flow towards NE-East-North.

Material to be used in the construction of a house or even commercial building should always be new, except when renovating.

Elderly people are always more comfortable in the South-West corner.

The height of the building should reduced from the SW to the NE.

Walls along the SW should be thicker as compared to walls along the NE.

Bhumi-pujan ceremony should be performed before commencing the construction of a new house and Griha-pravesh ceremony before shifting into it.

Do not have a toilet or prayer room (puja room) under a staircase.

Do not dig well in the middle of a house or plot. It is very inauspicious.

Never accept money between two fingers, as this is considered as cutting of further inflow of wealth. Accept the money with five fingers.

Check the sound of your door bell. If it sounds irritating, family members will be short tempered. If it has a dull sound, energy level of the house will be low. The doorbell should be pleasing and soothing.

Any exposed floor marble or tile broken in your house could be the cause of a broken relationship among family members. Put a carpet to cover the broken marble/tile or replace it for immediate results.

A tree or an electric/telephone pole facing your main door or windows could cause the poor health of family members. Place a convex mirror on the outer wall facing that tree for protection from bad soul.

Have the name number plate of your house on main entrance to enable the opportunities to trace you easily. It is a good idea to give a Name to the residence also. Lighting the nameplate increases the effect manifold.

Never sit with your back facing main door. This can cause back-biting, deceit, betrayal in life. Unwanted guest may be given such seat.

To retain the money in the house, put a 3 leg frog facing its back to the main door for better saving.

Having a toilet/fire place in North-East corner of the house can ruin it financially besides mental tension quarrel amongst people.

Keep your mirrors clean, dust and dirt reduces the effectiveness of mirrors. Try to keep the paint work fresh, and replace any blown bulbs as quickly as possible. Keep your windows clean and replace any cracked or broken glass.

Moving Water attracts positive energy and money. Consider placing a small ornamental fountain or aquarium in your North direction for wonderful results.

In the office, the temple should not be placed at the back of the owner's seat. The central point of a office or factory should be empty.

In office, Never sit with owner back facing main door. Unwanted guests/visitors should be given such a seat. It results in lack of strength and sense of fear and insecurity.

There should not be three or more doorways in a straight line. Having improper position of the entrance/obstruction in front of the gate can reduce the prosperity to a great extent.

Doors should be made leaving South/Southwest/West direction.

Rooms like drawing room in North/East direction.

The directions North, North-East, East, Brahma sthan should be kept light, clean and open. South, South-West, West should be kept heavy.

More even numbers of Balcony, Verandahs and Windows should be in North / Northeast / East direction.

Pillars should be in even numbers and should not come on the sensitive points of Brahma sthan.

Main gate should be bigger than the other internal doors. Main entrance gate is allowed on any directions , except South West direction.

It is very difficult to leave Brahma sthan open, so lobby/drawing/dining hall should be constructed there.

To balance the harmonious soul and to avoid tension and illness in the house, do not keep rubber plants, bonsai, cactus or milk producing plants in the house.

Never sit or sleep under a projected beam to avoid depression, headache and loss of memory.

Never keep non-working, un-repaired device or damaged watch, telephone, radio, mixer, spoiled ball pens, cassettes etc. in the house.

Keeping a picture of High Altitude Mountains without water in South-West will enhance stability and help to overcome insecurity.

Check if any marble or tile is broken in your office. This could result into broken relationship with partner or customers. Either put carpet to cover the broken marble/tiles or preferably replace it.

To improve the Sales, Stick three coins tied with red ribbon on sales file or invoice book or order book.

Conference room or a boardroom should be in the East or West direction. Take new decisions in East direction and they will rise to great heights liking a rising Sun.

Kitchen is the second best place after North-East for performing Pooja. Choose North-East corner of the Kitchen for putting an idol of deity.

Remove medicines from kitchen and shift it to living room, preferably at Pooja place.

Never put a mirror in front of the bed or attached with the bed. Cover it while sleeping to avoid bad dreams and ensuring a healthy sleep.

Wooden beds without box (for storage) are the best for sleeping. Avoid metal beds (wrought Iron) etc. as it may lead to health problems related to heart and brain.

A wall poster having mountains/snow-clad peaks of mountains (without water). on South-West wall of the bedroom can add immense strength and stability in the life.

To improve the studies, Put Crystal Globe and Education Tower on the North-East corner of the study table or room for excellent performance.

Toilet in West of South-West direction is best. It can be made in North of North-West or West of North-West direction also.

Overhead Water Tank should be in South/South-West/South direction.

Septic Tank in West of South-West/North-West is best direction.

Basement should be made under the whole building or partially in North/Northeast/East direction. Small Garden

If a factory or a house has a wrongly faced boring direction, a Panchmukhi Hanumanji picture can be placed facing the borings south-west.

The place of seat arrangement for managers, executives, and directors must be located in south, west, and southwestern direction of the office premises.

As per the vastu principles it is really good to set the accounts department in southeast direction. .

The appropriate place to set the reception is in the northeastern direction of the office.

With respect to vastu principles, it is good to seat the employees facing the north or eastern direction.

The central portion of the office must be set empty. .

As per the vastu principles, it is good to place rectangular desk for the MD.

Placing bore-well or fixing tank in the direction of south is not really recommended. This will affect the owner with less and insufficient cash flow.

The best and right direction to keep the storeroom is on the northwest and southeast location.

It is recommended to set the marketing department in the direction of northwest.

Fixing of some idols or images of God and Goddess in the right location of mirrors will bring you improved financial gains.

Setting a water fountain in the location of northeast of the office premises is really good and recommended.

The right place to set your kitchen is in the south-east corner. If you never find an apt position, then you can avail the alternative of locating it in the north-west corner.

Building kitchen in north-east, mid-west, mid-north, mid-south, south-west or in the centre is strictly not recommended, as they are out of vastu norms.

Ensure that the cooking area never touches the sidewall of northern or eastern side

Place the idols of the God and Goddess in the right direction

Stick close with the door placement

Strictly avoid using the proscribed raw material while constructing the puja room

The right direction to set your master bedroom is on south-west

Ensure to place your head positioning towards the direction of south corner. Placing head towards north is not recommended, as it will badly disturb your sleep

Keep your bedroom away from setting diving idols

It is best to construct plots where lands are fertile with plants and greeneries.

It should be ensured that no cemetery, tomb, or graveyard lie close to the plot either front or back.

Construct your house in such way it admits bright light into the main doorway

It is really advisable to allow 5 doors of a maximum opening

Setting television in the bedroom area is not recommended

Keep the plants and water sport far from your bedroom

Never split bed sheet and bed mattresses

Set your house furniture in the form of circle, square, or as octagon

Keep the corners bright

It is good to fix an image of bright sun in the southern wall of the living area 15.

Construct your bedroom, where wind must blow from south to west

Your house dinning hall must never get exposed to the entrance door of the house

It is good to set your windows opened towards out face

It is good to place the fish aquarium in the southeast corner in your living area

It is good to stick a happy family photograph or picture inside your living room.

17 Dec 2018

Basic Vastu For Home

A home other than being only a house to live, it is an increase of our mental space and indication of our identity. Every part of our life is profoundly laced with the design, decor and maintenance of our home. The meaning of vastu is dwelling, which is the home for god and humans. Vastu shastra depends on different energies that originates from atmosphere like solar energy from sun, cosmic energy, lunar energy, thermal energy, magnetic energy, light energy, wind energy

These energies can be adjusted to upgrade peace, prosperity and achievements. If a house is made according to these principles, the inmates enjoy all the happiness in life. If it is against vastu principals, it will be a spot for all kind of issues, stresses and no peace.The different Area whic we cover in Vastu Services are:-

Vastu For Bedroom

Vastu For Drawing Room

Vastu For Dining Room

Vastu For Children Room

Vastu For Kitchen

Vastu For Pooja Room

Vastu For Stairs

Vastu For Study Room

Vastu For Doors

Vastu For Garage

Vastu For Plants And Trees

Vastu For Guest Room

Vastu For Bathroom

Vastu For Living Room

Vastu For Locker Room

Vastu For Overhead Tank

Vastu For Balcony

Vastu For Swimming Pool

Vastu Colors For Home

Vastu For Basement

Vastu For Couples Bedroom

Vastu For Entrance Gate

Vastu For Exteriors

Vastu For Interiors

Vastu For Servant Room

Vastu For Store Room

Vastu For Windows

Vastu For Lighting

Vastu For Flats

Vastu For Plots

Vastu For Plots Shapes

Vastu For Griha Pravesh

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