2 Dec 2018

Difference between Plinth beam and Tie beam and their purpose in construction

In this Lecture suresh will discuss Difference between Plinth beam and Tie beam


The beam which is provided at the plinth level is called plinth beam. In framed structure plinth beam is the first beam constructed after foundation.


The beam which connects two or more columns/rafters in a roof/ roof truss or in any height above floor level is called tie beam. Tie beams are mainly provided in roof truss and at plinth level. These beams do not convey any floor loads and only act as length breaker for columns where the floor height is unusually high.

16 Nov 2018

W11 Ways To Spend Less on Kitchen Cabinets

We all want our kitchens to look beautiful and be functional, too. However, for most of us, cost is a big consideration. There are plenty of clever ways to minimise a hefty kitchen price tag, including being creative with the cabinets. Take a look at some of these astute ideas that might just bring your dream kitchen into budget.

Keep it simple
Cabinets that have minimal accessories, fiddly designs or internal mechanisms will certainly keep the pennies in your pockets. The units themselves are usually less expensive to make as it’s the drawers, pull-outs and special materials that pile on the pounds. 

Keep the aesthetic minimal, too, by choosing a basic white door, like the ones in the kitchen here. The design is subtle and uses only one wall, but stretches up with tall wall units to maximise storage space. You can use flat-pack units to achieve this look, which of course brings down prices.

Think big 
When you’re really looking to save some cash, the basic rule of thumb is to go for as few larger cabinets as will fit into the space you have. Work out multiples dependent on the length of the wall – for example, 3.6m will give you a neat four cabinets of 900mm in length. To keep the design looking smart, try and recreate the same sizes on wall units as you did on the base level.

Invest in bespoke unit doors
The first characteristic you probably notice about kitchen cabinets are the doors. They can be highly individual style statements in any material, from chunky driftwoods to zingy coloured composites. We tend to assume that these options are pricey, but in fact there’s a budget way to get the look you want. Design a kitchen using a range of carcasses from a budget or mid-price retailer you feel has a decent build quality. You can then simply replace the doors with the material of your choice. Discuss material options with your fitter, as you need to make sure that any doors you choose will stand up to the wear and tear of kitchen life.

Do also check for the stability of the actual units you will be buying – the back panel should be thick and rigid. While you want to save money, you don’t want your cost-saving solution to end up letting you down in the long run.

Personalise with paint
One step further from the ‘replace the doors’ option above is to use the whole flat-pack cabinet, including the door, then choose a unique paint colour to personalise it. 

The pretty blue here brings real character to the door and drawer fronts of this Ikea kitchen. The paint is actually a bespoke shade commissioned by the owners.

Go to town on the handles
You can make a big impact on units by swapping the standard handles for something more unique. Try an adventurous material, like leather, brass or wood, or an interesting shape such as a spiral or curve. You could even go for a mismatched look.

Customise flat-pack units to fit
It may be tempting to head towards a bespoke option if you feel your kitchen dimensions are too irregular for classic cabinet sizes, but don’t discount the opportunity to customise flat-pack units. Ikea units, like the ones used here for example, can look stunning.

It is relatively simple for a skilled kitchen fitter to cut down a tower cabinet if necessary to fit under low windows or other architectural features such as beams and bulkheads. Your fitting costs may increase, so agree these with the fitter beforehand to settle your budget right at the start.

Bear in mind if you are going to customise units you will need to choose a door style that will suit being cut down. Flat panel or slab doors are fine to cut, but a Shaker with an internal panel or any patterned fascia will probably look uneven and botched if you play around with the symmetry.

Ditch the wall cabinets
When you are looking to reduce the price tag of your cabinetry, a very simple solution is to only have cabinets at base level. There are many other ways to create storage above the worktop, such as shelves and even rails with hooks.

Some people love having their items easily accessible and on display, while others find that out of cupboards their pans and plates collect grease and dust. It comes down to personal choice, but if you like this style try and keep things simple and group similar materials together. The copperware in this kitchen keeps the shelves looking unified and neat.

Opt for a butcher’s block island
If you’d like to have an island but don’t want to tie yourself down to more cabinetry, consider a moveable butcher’s block. It’s likely to be less expensive than purchasing the equivalent-sized set of units, and more flexible into the bargain. In this open space, the island can be shifted around the room to make space for more guests.

Add a worktop to existing furniture 
Another way to possibly reduce your cabinet spend is to use an existing piece of furniture, such as a chest of drawers or a shelving unit, for your kitchen island. Attach a worktop that matches the rest of the kitchen and it will look like part of the room. 

You may need to raise the height of the unit slightly if it’s too low to be used as a work surface – it’s possible to buy packs of cabinet legs from most DIY stores, either plastic to hide behind a plinth or in a decorative metal finish to leave on display.

Fill your space with freestanding furniture
Of course, there’s no reason why you should stick to newly built kitchen units, especially if your home embraces a more relaxed and eclectic design. Second-hand markets and stores will often sell old-style larders and cupboards, and just a splash of paint could bring a mismatched assortment of units into a unified theme. It’s probable that your individually sourced furniture will not fit wall spaces exactly, so make the most of odd corners with a quirky display or some useful hooks.

Curve the worktop, not the units
Curves are a lovely feature in a kitchen to soften edges and stop inadvertent hip-bruising. However, curved cabinets are often quite a lot more pricey to fabricate. The cleverest way around this is to simply curve the worktop and not the units below. 

The stately island in this kitchen does not have curved cabinets, but the seating area at the end has a perfect curve over a couple of bar stools. There are no pointy edges to bump into as you clamber onto seating, yet at the same time there has been no need for expensive curved furniture.


25 Oct 2018

Independent House Construction Cost in Lucknow

Call: +91-8318192212 
Cost Of Independent House Construction
Cost of constructing a Independent House in 2018 comes close to Rs.1450/- to Rs.1550/- Per Sq Ft. This includes material, Labour charges and consultants fees. There could be variations on the materials part.
Construction Cost Of Independent House
Independent Home construction cost per Sft mostly depends on the finishing materials materials used, since the concrete structure price is usually fixed and cannot be altered. Range is Rs.1450 to Rs.1550 Per Sq Ft.
Calculate House Construction Cost
If you feel New Home Construction is a costly affair - you could be wrong, we have proved it, many times. Our experienced construction contractors have detailed????cost calculations from Rs.1450 to Rs.1550.
1. Connect with us
Call, message, whatsapp, our contact no: +91-8318192212 , Add- Trio Vision construction and Interior Company. B-85 Indira Nagar near Bhootnath market, Lucknow, explain about your exact requirements & preferences.
2. Get professional suggestion
Talk to industry experts with tons of real life experience on projects - FREE. Get a clear picture before you start.
3. Scope - Budget - Duration - Terms
Get a detailed estimate for the project with all itemized prices, the time-line for completion, budget and terms.
4. Start project
After you study, understand, satisfy and finalize the estimate - we can start off with the actual project work.
5. Project progress updates
Our milestones based reporting with site photos will keep you relaxed through out the project completion.
Duplex House Construction Cost

Cost of constructing a Duplex in 2018 comes close to Rs.1450 to Rs.1550 per Sq Ft. This includes material, Labour charges and consultants fees. There could be variations on the materials part.
House Construction Cost Estimator
Calculate the cost of Home construction before you start building your dream house and utilize every rupee to its full worth. Contact us for free estimations of your house construction cost.
Low Cost Independent House Construction
Budget or the value of Low Cost Independent Home construction project depends on three major factors like Plan, Materials used and your contractors charges. Fully furnished Home may cost Rs.1400 to Rs.1450 per Sq Ft in 2018.
Design + Build
Quality Work
Save Time
Want Beautiful Independent House constructed?
Planning for your own Independent House to be constructed at a budget pricing?
Confused about which Independent House plan to choose for your requirements?
Not sure about the budget estimate for your Independent House Construction work?
In the lookout for eco friendly construction design for your Independent House?
With increased requirements of family members and more need of trendy living, many customers who are owners of independent houses are planning to add more spacious rooms to their residences. Having an additional rooms actually increases the space of the house and also provides the customers with more facilities and comfortable living. However, the customers get worried about the cost information and the time taken for adding rooms or renovating their Independent House
 We proud to provide exclusive Independent House construction services to your house with an ample budget and great quality. The average cost of construction per square feet in Independent House construction is around 1100 INR. Hence, a 1500 square feet area can be constructed at a cost of Rs.24,00,000. This budget can vary based on additional requirements and also brings more facilities to your new rooms. We also provide leisure area design for Independent House as it can also be used as a dual sit out area or a partial terrace.
Suresh Pandey
Contact -8318192212,9058913568
Trio Vision Construction And Interior Company.
Office Add- B 85 Indira nagar, near Bhootnath market Lucknow.

12 Oct 2018

बेडरूम में वास्तु लाए खुशिओं की बहार, आप भी करें ट्राई

 यदि आपकी अपने जीवन साथी से बनती नही है। दिन रात घर में कलह और झगड़े ही होते रहते है तो इसका एक कारण आपके बेडरूम का वास्तु दोष हो सकता है। कैसे आप अपने बेडरूम के सामान में वास्तु के अनुसार थोडा फेरबदल करके अपने घर में खुशी की बहार ला सकते है।

वास्तुशास्त्र को बहुत से लोग टोना-टोटका या धार्मिक आस्था से जोड़ते है, लेकिन इसका किसी भी प्रकार की पूजा-पाठ या तन्त्र-मन्त्र से कोई लेना देना नहीं है। वास्तु में दिशाओं का महत्व होता है। किसी दिशा से आने वाली ऊर्जा आपको किस प्रकार से फायदा पहुंचा सकती है, यह शास्त्र इसी पर निर्भर है। वास्तु में हर जगह और कमरे के लिए एक निश्चित स्थान बताया गया है। बेडरूम रूम घर का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा होता है। आइए आपको बताते है कि आपके बेडरूम का वास्तु कैसा होना चाहिए ताकि आपके जीवन  में सदा खुशियों का आगमन होता रहे।

बेडरूम की सबसे इर्म्पोटेंट चीज है पलंग। वास्तु के अनुसार पलंग दक्षिण या दक्षिण-पश्चिम दिशा में होना चाहिए। पलंग को दक्षिण दिशा की दीवार के साथ होना चाहिए। सोते समय सिर दक्षिण की ओर और पैर उत्तर में होने चाहिए। ध्यान रहे पलंग दीवार के एकदम बीच में होना चाहिए। यही पलंग की बेडरूम में एकदम सही दिशा है।

पलंग के बाद बारी आती है स्टडी टेबल की आजकल अलग से स्टडी रूम बनाने का चलन लगभग खत्म हो गया है। अब तो बेडरूम में ही स्टडी कॉर्नर बनाया जाने लगा है। वास्तु के अनुसार स्टडी टेबल पूर्व दिशा में रखें और ध्यान रखें की पढ़ते समय आपका चेहरा पूर्व की तरफ ही होना चाहिए। दक्षिण की ओर टेबल कभी भी न रखें यह स्वास्थ्य के लिए हानिकारक होता है।

स्टडी टेबल के बाद बात करते हैं शोपीस और पेटिंग्स की। वास्तु के अनुसार बेडरूम में रामायण, महाभारत और किसी भी प्रकार के लड़ाई के दृश्य, ऐन्द्रजालिक पेंटिंग, पत्थर और लकड़ी की बनी राक्षसों की मूर्तियां, रोते हुए व्यक्ति की मूर्ति, जानवरो जैसे सांप, गिद्व, उल्लू, कौवा, बाज आदि के चित्र भी नहीं लगाने चाहिएं। बेडरूम में आप फूलों, झरनों, प्रकृति के मनोरम दृश्य की पेंटिंग्स लगा सकते हैं। वास्तु के अनुसार, पेंटिंग्स की सही दिशा उत्तर दिशा है। दीवार घड़ी भी हमेशा उत्तर दिशा की दीवार पर ही लगानी चाहिए।

 वास्तु के अनुसार मिरर या ड्रेसिंग टेबल को बेड के सामने नहीं रखना चाहिए। मिरर की बेडरूम में सही दिशा है उत्तर-पूर्व, इससे घर के सदस्यों के मान सम्मान में बढोतरी होती है। इसके अलावा किसी दूसरी दिशा में मिरर का लगाना अशुभ माना जाता है।

बेडरूम के दरवाजे की बात करें, तो वास्तु के अनुसार दरवाजा कभी भी बेड के सामने नहीं खुलना चाहिए। दरवाजे हमेशा अंदर की ओर ही खुलने चाहिए। इससे पॉजीटीव एनर्जी घर में आती है। दरवाजा हमेशा पूर्व में होना चाहिए। वास्तु में गोल शेप वाले दरवाजों को अशुभ माना जाता है। दरवाजे हमेशा चकोर होने चाहिएं।

दरवाजे के साथ-साथ खिडकियां भी पूर्व की दिशा में होनी चाहिए। यदि आपके बेडरूम में खिडकियां दक्षिण या पश्चिम दिशा में हो तो उन्हे पर्दों से ढककर रखना चाहिए।

आजकल अटैच टॉयलेट का चलन है। लेकिन वास्तु की माने तो बेडरूम में टॉयलेट का कोई भी स्थान नहीं है। फिर भी यदि अटैच टॉयलेट बनवाना ही है तो उसकी दिशा दक्षिण में होनी चाहिए।

वास्तु के अनुसार, कमरे की पूर्व और उत्तर की दिशा को खाली छोड़ना चाहिए। इन दिशाओं से आने वाली हवाओं और सूर्य की रोशनी में किसी भी प्रकार की कोई अड़चन नहीं आनी चाहिए इसीलिए इन दिशाओं में कोई भी भारी सामान न रखें। इन दोनों दिशाओं से ही रूम में पॉजीटीव एनर्जी आती है। भारी सामान जैसे सोफा, अलमारी आदि को आप दक्षिण और पश्चिम की दिशा में रख सकते है।

वैसे तो कहते है कि जो होना होता है वह होकर ही रहता है लेकिन यदि हम अपने बेडरूम में वास्तु के अनुसार फेरबदल करे तो कुछ हद तक आने वाली कठिनाईओं और परेशानियों से बच सकते है।

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