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20 Sept 2019

Structure in Building Construction

A complete guide for Structure in Building Construction 

It is delightful to see a vacant plot transform into a beautiful home. Do you realize that it requires a good amount of building materials, hours of hard labor, and insights of experts to erect a building? And, a majority of this work is termed as Structure in Building Construction!

In this guide let us learn in detail about how a building is constructed in a vacant plot. We’ll cover the following topics:

Definition & types of structure in building construction.

The steps involved in creating the structure

Precautions while doing structures

What to do after structures?

What exactly is “Structure” in Building Construction?

Structure in building construction refers to the process of putting together different elements of construction, to serve a useful purpose. This method has to effectively support and transmit possible loads on the building to the ground. Due importance is given on each element (also called as structure member), so as to restrict the load stress within the permissible limits.

Depending on how the load is transferred to the ground, the structure can be broadly classified into the following categories:

Types of Structures

a. Load Bearing Structures:

A thick wall structure (mostly built with strong bricks or stones) carries the building load to the ground.

b. Frame Structures:

A frame structure stands on a strong framework – made of concrete beams, columns, and vertical slabs. The columns carry the weight of the building to the ground. The inside of the frame is further filled with block works.

c. Post and Lintel Structures (or pillar beam structure):

A post and lintel structure has two posts like vertical members, holding a horizontal member called lintel, to carry the building load. This is similar to the Frame structure and is predominantly used in high rises and apartments.

As the first step to structures, decide upon the type of structure to be adopted – load bearing, pillar beam or frame.

Next, let us see the different stages of assembling the structural elements in a building construction.

1. Prerequisites for structure in building construction

Much before the actual building construction work commences, some basic site work is done. It includes:

Piling – In case of loose soil, strengthen it with reinforcements by Piling.

Develop Floor Plan -Get a floor plan to understand how the building looks from inside. It gives a fair idea about the layout of the rooms and amount of space available for each utility.

Foundation – Build a proper foundation to support and transfer the entire load from the building to soil.

Elevation – To get the vertical view of the building, draw an elevation plan. Typically, it is four elevation plans, one for each side of the building. This gives a detailed information about the location of exterior wall corners, position of windows and doors, finished floor and ceiling levels, and roof specifications.

Get even more insights about each of these topics here.



2: Do Block-work

Block work pertains to erecting walls of the building. Choose from different types of blocks based on the structure type adopted for construction.  The common ones are bricks, concrete blocks, AAC, cement blocks, porotherm etc.

3: Install door and window frames

 Install door and window frames along with progressing block work.

4: Carry out Plumbing and Electrical works

Lay pipes and leave provisions for water usage and drainage as plumbing basics. Also, install electrical conduits and pipes for sealed wiring catering to electrical needs. These also happen along with the block work.

5: Cast Lintel

A lintel is a concrete beam above window and door frames. It offers support to the wall over doors, windows or any other opening.

6: Slab casting, Shuttering, and Concreting

Mark slab requirement in places like the kitchen. Provide support to hold concrete when poured, using shuttering. Lay criss-cross steel reinforcements (RCC) over the shuttering to strengthen concrete. Pour concrete mix over this and allow it to set evenly. Ensure strength of concrete by treating it with water through a process called curing.

The process of casting concrete roof is also similar. In case of a thatched roof, work on the slope of the roof and install roofing materials. Also make sure the joints are sealed properly to avoid leakage in future.

7: Do Plastering

Cover walls with cement and sand mixture for aesthetic appeal called plastering. Prior to this, efficiently route electrical wires and plumbing channels to avoid rework.

Well, that sums up the essentials of structure work in building construction. There are a few tips to consider while doing the structures.

What should you take care of while doing the structure?

Understand that construction of a building is a collaborative effort. Many a thing go hand in hand with structures. To avoid unnecessary delays, plan everything in advance.

Firstly, never miss any of the processes in structure, be it piling. It may seem a bit unnecessary to go through each and every process, but it will prove worthwhile in future. 

Discuss every requirement and choices with the architect before floor plan is finalized. This ensures smooth structure operations.

Visualize your life in your new home before finalizing on the floor plan. Think of where you would be having your morning tea, where you would be entertaining your guests, where your children would be doing their homework or where you would be spending some undisturbed time with yourself.

Wherever there is a choice in building material, do a thorough research beforehand. Finalize it within the stipulated time after taking advice from the engineer. This gives the contractor ample time to be ready with the materials. This holds extremely true for door and window frames, as well as roofing materials.

Cost is an important factor while deciding on building materials, but keep in mind that cheapest is not always the best. For example, never compromise in the case of electrical wiring or concrete to cement ratio. Always go for the recommended options even at a cost of a few extra rupees.

From a utility perspective, have a clear picture on your requirements with respect to plumbing and electric works. Pass on these inputs to the teams concerned before the start of their work.

It is a common misconception that interiors are to be done after the structure is completed. You should have a clear picture of the interiors at the same time as conceptualizing the structure. This will help you make a few structural modifications to enhance the utility of the completed home.

When in doubt, trust the building company’s advice. They are definitely more experienced than you are and will recommend only the best for you.




The Checklist For Concrete Slab are listed below:

1. Make sure that the cover blocks are at right position and stay okay while concreting.

2. If the concrete is prepared at site, carefully handle the process of batching, water content, mixing and testing of fresh concrete.

3. Ensure that the beams are primarily cast in layers and compacted properly by vibrators.

4. Make sure that one carpenter and one helper is always present under the shuttering slab to confirm that it is supported well and will stay constant during and after concreting.

5. Assure the presence of a bar bender to avoid displacement of steel reinforcement.

6. Never permit extremely smooth finishing for the concrete slabs.

7. Try not to permit sprinkling of dry cement during finishing, It will help to prevent micro shrinkage cracks in the concrete.

8. Put the chairs appropriately to avoid disturbance at the top reinforcement bars during concreting.

9. Try to prevent cold joints in the casting slab.

10. In case of concreting in hot weather, protect the concrete surface by covering with wet gunny bags at least for 4 – 5 hours.

11. In case of concreting in rainy, windy, or extremely hot weather, put a cover of tarpaulin over the slab. It will protect the slab from getting damaged.

12. To prevent plastic shrinkage cracks in the concrete slab, avoid drastic drying of green concrete.

13. Ensure full compaction and complete finishing of the concrete.

18 Sept 2019

Difference Between Foundation And Footing

In Civil Engineering, a foundation is the lower portion of a building structure that transfers the building’s gravity load into the earth. A strong foundation is required in order for a building to stand the test of time and survive for decades or even centuries. Foundations are commonly separated into two distict categories: shallow foundations and deep foundations. A building’s foundation is made by first digging a trench into the ground. Dig deep enough to reach the subsoil. Subsoil is more solid than topsoil, which is where plant roots grow. Concrete is then poured into the trench, supported and strengthened further with steel rods. When the concrete dries, the steel holds it all together. This is known as reinforced concrete, and once it is in place, the structure can be built on top.
In Civil Engineering, a footing is a foundation that is constructed under the base of a wall or a column. The purpose of the footing is to distribute the weight of the building over a large area. The term footing is generally used in conjunction with shallow foundations, not deep foundations. Footing is placed directly below the lowest part of the structure it supports.
Footing vs Foundation
Followings are the differences between Footing and Foundation
Footing                  Foundation
1. The footing is a formation which is in contact with the ground.
Foundation is a structure which transfers its gravity loads to earth from superstructure.
2. Footing can be analogized with the feet of the leg.
Foundation can be compared with legs.
3. The footing is a type of shallow foundation.
Foundation can be shallow and deep.
4.Footing includes slab, rebar which are fabricated of brickwork, masonry or concrete.
Foundation types include piles, caissons, footings, piers, the lateral supports, and anchors.
5.Footing reinforces support to an individual column.
Foundation is an extensive support  because it gives support to a group of footings as an entire building
6. A number of footings repose on a foundation.
Foundation is the support that bears all kinds of loadings.
7. A footing is under the foundation wall.
Foundations are the basement walls.
8. Footing transmits loads directly to the soil.
Foundation is in direct contact with the soil and transmits it to the ground.
9. All footings are foundations.Not all foundations are footings.

15 Sept 2019

Home Loan: कैसे कम करें होम लोन EMI का बोझ, ये टिप्स आएंगे आपके काम

नई दिल्ली, बिजनेस डेस्क। मौजूदा दौर में लोन लेकर घर खरीदना आम बात है। होम लोन न सिर्फ हमें अपने घर खरीदने के फैसले को टालने से रोकता है बल्कि यह हमें टैक्स बचाने में भी मदद करता है। कई मर्तबा होम लोन लेने के बाद इसके ईएमआई को चुकाना एक सिरदर्द होता है। लेकिन, इससे जल्दी छुटकारा कैसे मिले यह बड़ा सवाल है। होम लोन लेने वाले अपने होम लोन ईएमआई बोझ को कम करने के लिए कई ऑप्शनल ट्रिक का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं। नए लोन लेने वालों के पास विभिन्न बैंकों की तरफ से पेश की जाने वाली दरों की तुलना करने और अधिकतम फायदा लने के ऑप्शन हैं, लेकिन मौजूदा ग्राहकों के पास बहुत कम ऑप्शन हैं। जिन लोगों ने पहले से लोन लिया है वो अपने होम लोन को एक बैंक से दूसरे ऐसे बैंक में ट्रांसफर कर सकते हैं, जिससे ब्याज दरों में कमी हो सकती है। हालांकि होम लोन ट्रांसफर करना हर किसी के लिए आसान नहीं है। इस खबर में हम आपको होम लोन को जल्द खत्म करने के कुछ टिप्स बता रहे हैं...

होम लोन बैलेंस ट्रांसफर: होम लोन लेने वाले ज्यादातर लोग लोन की अवधि के बीच दूसरे कर्जदाता के पास जाना पसंद नहीं करते। कर्ज की अवधि के दौरान अगर कभी भी उपयुक्‍त कर्जदाता मिलता है, तो इस बात की सलाह दी जाती है कि होम लोन को ट्रांसफर किया जाए। इन बातों को ध्यान में रखकर आप होम लोन को जल्दी भर सकते हैं।

ईएमआई राशि बढ़ाएं: वेतन पाने वाले उधारकर्ताओं को साल में सैलरी में एक बार हाइक मिलता है। इसलिए अपनी ईएमआई राशि को धीरे-धीरे बढ़ाएं। अगर आप हर साल अपनी ईएमआई राशि बढ़ाते हैं तो लोन पीरियड में कमी आएगी, जिससे आपको कुल बकाया लोन राशि चुकाने में मदद मिलेगी।

वेतन की तारीख: कोशिश करें कि अपनी ईएमआई की तारीख अपनी सैलरी की तारीख के नजदीक रखें, इससे आप ईएमआई भुगतान को लेकर कभी नहीं चूकेंगे। ईएमआई और एसआईपी के पेमेंट के बाद बचे धन के साथ अपने खर्च की योजना बनाएं। चाहें तो यह भी सुनिश्चित कर लें कि बकाया भुगतान के लिए आपके होम लोन पर कोई अतिरिक्त शुल्क तो नहीं लगाया गया है।

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